OUR Vision

We believe that everyone deserves to live in safety, dignity, and health, free to lead their lives as they wish. However, we acknowledge that racism, and white supremacy culture, are fundamental obstacles to our vision.

To achieve this vision, our work addresses oppression at every level, from the structural down to our physical bodies, hearts, and minds. We understand that we must embody our values and visions to co-create the world we yearn for. 

Photo Credit: Nilaya Sabnis

Photo Credit: Nilaya Sabnis


We weave together anti-racist education with activities that help people process their emotions and experiences on a visceral level. We practice building collective resilience, calling each other in compassionately, and building sustainable skills to stay the long haul towards justice. We offer a unique lens that moves us beyond a merely intellectual analysis of racism, straight into the body—where the complex legacy of white supremacy lives. By building personal and interpersonal capacities to feel and connect more deeply, we are able to transform our culture, community and institutions towards liberation.

We recognize that we will make mistakes—and we will keep going. We are committed to racial justice and equitable outcomes for all people.

What is embodied equity?